365 Days of Opportunity Life Quotes | May

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Day 121 Life quotes: Life's a journey lived every day, not just on weekends.

Day 121 Life quotes: Life’s a journey lived every day, not just on weekends. A great life is built every day, not just on certain days. If it is important to you, you will work at it every day.

Day 122 Life quotes: Getting started is the first step to success.

Day 122 Life quotes: Getting started is the first step to success. Dreaming and hoping for success will lead to nothing unless you take the first step to make it a reality.

Day 123 Life quotes: Happiness lies within focused action.

Day 123 Life quotes: Happiness lies within focused action. Simply taking action for no reason or eventual purpose will lead to a life of business and not the success you so want.

Day 124 Life quotes: Know what you want in life.

Day 124 Life quotes: Know what you want in life. Do you really know what you want in life? Most people do not. Become one of the few who do know what they want in life.

Day 125 Life quotes: Ignore what you don’t want in life.

Day 125 Life quotes: Ignore what you don’t want in life. When you focus on what you do not want in life, you will end up getting more of what you do not want. Focus on what you want and go and get it today!

Day 126 Life quotes: Scare yourself a little today, expand your limits.

Day 126 Life quotes: Scare yourself a little today, expand your limits. If you set goals that make you feel comfortable, you might just as well not do them because in most probability it will lead to the same life you have today. Your goals need to scare you at least a little bit on some level.

Day 127 Life quotes: Go and get what you want in life.

Day 127 Life quotes: Go and get what you want in life. Nobody is going to give you what you want in life, you have to be clear what you want and then go and get it.

Day 128 Life quotes: Know your limits, that’s where you need to push.

Day 128 Life quotes: Know your limits, that’s where you need to push. Knowing your limits are great because then you know where to push to achieve greatness in life.

Day 129 Life quotes: Let your life be a reflection of the true you.

Day 129 Life quotes: Let your life be a reflection of the true you. Your life, your business, your success needs to be a reflection of you and the gift and purpose that you bring to this world.

Day 130 Life quotes: Find success in silence, and listen for opportunity.

Day 130 Life quotes: Find success in silence, and listen for opportunity. Stop talking and telling people how great you and your ideas are. Find success in silence by listening what people want, build a business that gives them that, make money and change the world.

Day 131 Life quotes: The success you seek is within you already.

Day 131 Life quotes: The success you seek is within you already. We all think we do not have what it takes to get what we want on some level. You have all you need for success already within you, just recognize and value it and the world will too.

Day 132 Life quotes: You are what you dream of, just show it to the world.

Day 132 Life quotes: You are what you dream of, just show it to the world. All the dreams of what you can be in life can become a reality. Just show it to the world through the daily actions that you take.

Day 133 Life quotes: Write your own life story.

Day 133 Life quotes: Write your own life story. Stop living according to other people’s wishes and write the story of your own life.

Day 134 Life quotes: Wealth is the measure of your progress and potential.

Day 134 Life quotes: Wealth is the measure of your progress and potential. Use wealth to measure the progress of your purpose and the impact that you have upon this world. You can only serve the world if you have the resources to do so. You cannot save someone else if you cannot save yourself.

Day 135 Life Quotes: You will always have time for what is important to you.

Day 135 Life Quotes: You will always have time for what is important to you. Look at your life and you will see you always have time for the things that are important to you. Is your current list of “important” things serving you and helping you create the future you want? If not review and change.

Day 136 Life Quotes: Seek things that fulfil you.

Day 136 Life Quotes: Seek things that fulfil you. What you focus on will be become your reality in life. The quickest way to success is to seek that will fulfil your life and turn it into a life of purpose.

Day 137 Life Quotes: Either you manage money, or it manages you.

Day 137 Life Quotes: Either you manage money, or it manages you. You do not learn how to manage money by getting or earning lots of money. Managing money is something you do even when you are poor, that way, when you earn or receive vast sums of money you will not end up spending it on things that give you no return. Learn how to manage money, the sooner you start, the sooner your financial freedom will come.

Day 138 Life Quotes: What is your gift that you bring to the world?

Day 138 Life Quotes: What is your gift that you bring to the world? Everyone in this world has a gift they bring to this world, their purpose in life, what they are supposed to do on this planet. What is yours and are you doing it? Do one thing today that will bring your gift to the world.

If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail.

Day 139 Life Quotes:If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. Plan every day and have a clear idea of what it must deliver. Every day is one step closer to you living your destiny and changing the world.

Day 140 Life Quotes: You have no effect on your present life, if you live in the past.

Day 140 Life Quotes: You have no effect on your present life, if you live in the past. You cannot change the past nor can you predict the future. Living in the moment gives you power to accept the past and change the future with the decisions you make today.

Day 141 Life Quotes: Dream, plan, do, review, repeat.

Day 141 Life Quotes: Dream, plan, do, review, repeat. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Be clear about what you want, plan how you will get it, work hard at it with massive action, stop and review regularly.

Day 142 Life Quotes: Money flows to people who manage it well.

Day 142 Life Quotes: Money flows to people who manage it well. Money is like any other relationship. If you treat it well, it will stay with you. If you mistreat it, giving it away on things that do not matter, things with no value, then it will run from you.

Day 143 Life Quotes: You have a strategy for life.

Day 143 Life Quotes: You have a strategy for life. Your current situation is proof of it. You do have a strategy for your life, you are currently living it. You arranged your actions and all your resources to deliver the result you are experiencing today, your life. If you do not like it, change your strategy.

Day 144 Life Quotes: Are you following your life plan, or did you fall into someone else’s?

Day 144 Life Quotes: Are you following your life plan, or did you fall into someone else’s? If you do not plan your own life you will simply fall into someone else’s life plan and I can guarantee it 100% that they did not plan for you. Have a life plan, live your life plan.

Day 145 Life Quotes: Your field of dreams lies ahead of you.

Day 145 Life Quotes: Your field of dreams lies ahead of you. Plant your dreams and take action on them. You make your own success, plant the seeds to success today.

Day 146 Life Quotes: Opportunity Rising.

Day 146 Life Quotes: Opportunity Rising.Your day will fill up with things to do, it is your choice what things will fill it up. The world, work, friends and family will put a lot of demands on your time and attention. Choose wisely what you allow to fill your day.

Day 147 Life Quotes: Demand what you are worth.

Day 147 Life Quotes: Demand what you are worth. Dr. John Demartini first made me aware of the fact that your self worth determines your net worth. Probe your emotions and find what negative emotions you experience when you are asking for what you think you are worth and work at getting rid of those emotions. Do so by asking yourself what are the benefits to you and the customer when you charge what you are worth.

Day 148: Plants seeds of success in the garden of your destiny.

Day 148: Plants seeds of success in the garden of your destiny. Actions are the seeds of success in your destiny. What can you take action on today that will change your life in the long term?

Day 149 Life Quotes: Face yourself, you're the greatest enemy to your own success.

Day 149 Life Quotes: Face yourself, you’re the greatest enemy to your own success. The biggest obstacle to our success is ourselves. It is also the scariest person to face. Face yourself and face your fears if you want to move forward in life.

Day 150 Life Quotes: You will regret the chances you never took.

Day 150 Life Quotes: You will regret the chances you never took. We lie to ourselves when we say we have no regrets. Use regrets as markers for where you were not true to yourself and what you want to accomplish in life.

Day 151: Hang around successful people.

Day 151 Life quotes: Hang around successful people. Emulate successful people, do what they do and chances are you will have similar results. Learn to stand on the shoulders of giants.



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